Friday, August 28, 2009

27th Aug 09 - Z anak nonsah

Posted by IBUNDA at 5:39 AM

Today me pegi buka puasa kat Bora Ombak dgn my beloving colleague sisters. Sadly adik Z is leaving us tommorrow. So this is the final time me n my colleague sisters spent time together. At first me book kat 39th Restaurant, PNB Darby Park but then i need to do shopping for my girls baju. As usual kat mana lagi kalu bukan kat Reject Shop, Ampang Point. Knowing la my LJ, K & T all kurus tinggi, so RS do have pants yg tirus kecik, pinggang kecik bergetah & glitters. Tau je la fesyen sekarang ni. Nk ada glitters2 kat pants or jeans.

So me n sal head up to Ampang Point after work. Promise everybody to meet up at 6.30pm at Bora Ombak, me singgah kat Ampang Point to buy some clothes for my girls. I tot nk buy just my LJ coz dia punye me blom beli lagi. But then thinking of othe r 2, sure bila bwk balik they all will ask n will be excited tgk beg shopping kan so kena la beli at least a piece for the other 2.
Nvm this saturday me tot nk bwk diorang keluar. Only On thursday me knew that KLCC got book fair. 5 big event. But takut gak nowadays kan H1N1 but bila lagi nk keluarkan coz LJ will be going back to her grandma's house this monday. Nk see her again only raya nanti la coz this year she will be spending time with me at my mom's house. At least she will company me balik raya nti. This year me balik kg dgn anak2 je. Drive sorang2 dgn anak2. Maybe me berhenti mana2 dgn anak2 nti. See how la but me confidently can drive by myself.
Back to my story kat Bora Ombak. Meet up kat Bora Ombak before buka puasa. Paling awal surely me n sal la. Pastu kitorang pegi solat asar dulu kat situ. Kira ok la. Very comfy utk solat. Pastu kak sripah called that she got lost due to miss a junction coming in to the restaurant. But later we saw her n her little princess Eika. Comel sungguh. Hasil gabungan mak bapak after few years...hihi...

Waiting for others, we waited until around 7 pm, adik ton dgn her little princess and the biggest star of the day, Z anak nonsah. Dr dulu me slalu panggil dia nama tu. She said dh lama tak dgr org panggil dia mcm tu coz dulu her teacher used to call her that. Well Z anak nonsah, we will miss u dearly. A few years with her, we had a lot of good times. She is so fun, funny and always smile. But for her future, it is good la. Move on if got better offer. Lompat2 sure naik gaji byk punye. Dh rezeki dia kan. For me, nk lompat dh tak larat. Thinking abt my girls, better duk di bumi Atlan je la. Apa lagi nk. Gaji cukup, medical ada and the most important that me dh selesa dgn my job. So duk la kat situ until me cukup masa untuk berhenti. Alhamdulillah.

Nel lak dtg lambat. Pas keje katanya mcm2 jadi. Bas kena isi minyak, tayar pancit n paling kesian dia dtg dlm ujan. Yes, lucky u here my darling bro, kalu tak me seligi lu, tau! Mana aku pegi sal & nel mesti ada. They are now my family. My BFF tau! Susah nk dpt adik mcm tu. Love u all.

Bora Ombak.....makanan tak se'gah' namanya. Lousy food. Semua dessert tak sedap. Maybe smlm punye kot. Kek coklat tak sedap. Jeli got few type but mostly tawar hebe je...isk...Then the food, lauk2 nye...nasib baik bleh telan je. Dr 1 to 10, me only gv 2. Memang tak best. Ikan bakar, bakso, fruits, mee rebus pun sama gak....k la. No more next time. Aku pun pasni sengkek skit. Hihihi...dh habis shopping utk anak2. Aku sendiri pun blom shopping tuk raya. But baju raya byk tahun ni. Ye la tahun lepas dgn 2 tahun lepas aku tak buat byk. This year me nengok baju lama2 mcm dh tak leh pakai, buat je la lebih skit tahun ni.
Tak sabar nk balik raya. Tak tau la DL approve tak cuti aku. Cuti dh habis, tak tau la dia approve tak. Ye la masa ayahanda meninggal tu, me amik cuti 3 weeks. Tu pun bila masuk keje aku mcm bengong lagi.........Move on ibunda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K la Z, akak sayang Z with all my heart. Dont forget me k. Nti dtg umah akak masak nasi kerabu dgn laksam k. Hantu Laksam!

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