Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend Holliday to PD on 1st Aug 09

Posted by IBUNDA at 11:26 PM
Assalamualaikum to all

Hari ni me pegi keje mcm biasa. Dr tadi lagi nk update sini tp me bz surfing internet for baking cupcakes. Tak sabar me nk belajar. Just to sharpen my skills. Ye la for my future. Sampai bila me nk keje. Anak2 camne? Kesian diorang. Dh la takde bapak, me plak bz keje. Hopefully lepas ni me bleh slow skit keje then concentrate on them. Primary school me think got no problem la coz they still small. Time yang paling critical is secondary school. Parents bz with working n their kids bz dgn mcm2. Risau me. Mcm2 jadi dgn school students skrg ni especially secondary. Primary students pun pandai buli small kids. Camne tu....Risau aku especially dgn K.

Well, as me promise to arwah, if me got time n money me will take them to entertain them n let them enjoy themselves. This time me got some money from the company that arwah works for. Most of it me simpan for their future n part of it bayar hutang n simpan for this trip n also for makan2 tahlil at his office this coming wed 5 aug 09 and tahlil here in the house this coming 15 aug 09.

So this time me book PD for 1 nite. Think abt it, sapa me nk ajak ek? So sapa lagi kalu bukan my BFF saleha n the gang. Talk to her a mth ago, asking permission from Nel, her hubby. So at the end we agree to go to PD in 1 car on 1 aug 09. Hotel, on me. Mmg niat me nk belanja diorang. Sambil2 tu entertain my girls. Lgpun kalu me pegi dgn the girls pun bosan la. Kesian diorang takde geng. So me book Tiara Beach Resort, 2 rooms facing the pool. Takkan nk pilih facing hutan kot. It seems that their pool is huge, big & wide. To both of my girls and my 2 chubbies, this is from bonda to u all coz bonda loves u guys. Be a good kids, got time to play but learn smart k.

On the 1st day, Sat 1 aug 09, BFF call me early in the morning just to tell me not to drive to her house. Nel said he will pick us up from my house n forbid me from driving with 2 kids. Tq Nel. So as we agreed, they came around 9.45 am coz me plan to go early so that we go to the beach 1st before we check in. Ye la kan. Sure after check in tak de masa nk pegi beach. Lgpun some people said TBR is a bit far from the beach. So all the way there, these kids especially my girls were very quiet. Maybe engine diorang belum panas tu kot. Mcm takut2 pun ada, hihi....biarkan diorang. Let them settle down 1st, sure tak sampai 1/2 jam mesti ada gelak ketawa. Lgpun dh lama my K tak jumpa dgn chubbies2 tuh. I think abt a mth ago jugak kot. All the way to PD, Nel is the driver, relax je drive the car. Along the way, hujan gerimis. Best gak kan at least tak la panas sgt. Cool je. Tak panas tak sejuk sgt. Ngam2. We reached PD around 11.30am after making a few stops. Biasa la budak2. Nk kencing la, nk itu la. Reached there, we went for lunch dulu coz Nel was so hungry n must look for nasi (perut melayu la katakan...hihi). We manage to hv lunch at a small local restaurant with a lot of choices of lauk. Sedap lauk2 dia but one of the chubbies tak nk makan coz too excited nk pegi pantai. Chia...chia...Duk berdiri kat tiang restauran tu sampai la kitorang habis makan. Last2 BFF tapau 2 nasi ayam coz my babies pun makan skit je. Pasni sure budak2 letih lapar lepas main. Sure nk makannye....

Later after makan we went to Teluk Kemang beach. Sampai je sana terus kitorang cari tempat utk lepak letak barang n the kids change their clothes. Apa lagi semua terjah la pantai. At 1st, K main skit2 je. Duk running kat pasir je. Ajak ke tepi air tak nak. Nangis tak nak. Memang penakut la K ni. Dr dulu lagi dia mcm tu. Masa pegi Melaka umah mak bbsitter pun mcm tu. We check in kat Sri Warisan. Main kolam, T terus terjun, yg K plak duk tepi kolam je. Nangis tak nak turun. But it was a sweet memory with arwah la.

Ok back to Teluk Kemang. Later a bit, T naik syok main dgn chubbies. K plak nangis2 minta nk duk kat tempat kitorang letak barang2. Nel ada kat situ, so dia duk la situ. T plak makin lama makin syok main pastu nengok2 org keliling. Mcm2 ragam. Tak kira besar ke kecik, sama je perangai. Abt half an hour we were there, it was drizzling so we decide to wash everybody. Takut la nti hujan lebat. Masa masuk kat bilik air tu, hujan turun skit2 je. After wash everybody, hujan turun lebat giler. At that time it was around 1.30pm already. Masa tu me fikir, better we go n check in la. Sure diorang kasi check in awal memandangkan hari tu hujan lebat. So me ask Nel to drive to TBR.

Round2 punye round, at last we found TBR. Punye la jauh dr Teluk Kemang. After collect the key, we went to our room B-3-02. Ingat tuh....n it is facing the pool side. Apa lagi anak2 pun excited la nk turun main air. Chia sampai merajuk2. Puas BFF dgn Nel pujuk. Ye la. Mak2 dgn bapak penat lagi but they all still full with energy. Kitorang lepak2 dulu, buat air. Makan apa yg patut dulu...

After looking at them, tooooo excited to go to the pool, at exactly 3pm we were at the pool. So amaze la. So huge, big, wide....Mcm2 ada... From the pics u all can see how big is the pool.
The next morning Nel pepagi cari breakfast coz sure nye anak2 nk turun pool lagi kan. Nasi lemak & roti canai. nk diet pun tak jadi. Dh beli makan je la kan. Sesekali pegi bercuti. Anak2 apa lagi makan skit jer pastu lompat2 nk turun pool lagi. But this time K & T tak duk lama. Tak tau nape. Dh puas main pool smlm kot. But well we check out kul 12 but singgah kat Teluk Kemang shopping skit. Utk my dearest babysitter and a few of my neighbours kids. Perabih kat RM200 gak. But me happy dgn diorang. Tak sabar for the next trip, maybe Melaka....

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