Saturday, August 29, 2009

Selamat Berpuasa....

Posted by IBUNDA at 9:33 PM
السلام عليكم وارهمتو الله هيوابركتاوه

My dear diary,

This week starts 1st Sept 09, me have to work overtime. Due to my leave has been approve by Ms Ho but with one condition - all my monthly and quarterly has to be finished. Itu yang parah me coz i have only 2 weeks to finish everything which usually will take me 3 - 4 weeks to settle especially my quarterly report.

It gives me headache la but think abt it maybe ok kot coz LJ dh balik umah ayahnye so me buka puasa kat umah sorang2 ditemani oleh 2 other princesses. But well still me miss ayahanda so so very much. Selalu dia masak nasi so bila me bangun me akan panas kan lauk yang me masak before tido or maybe yang ayahanda beli kat pasar ramadhan. He is still the one me miss all the time. So when buka puasa sorang2 tu me rasa ada je tak kena. Better me pegi buka puasa dgn sesapa la kat opis tu. Rembat la sesapa yg ada. Kalu takde buka la sorang2.

Nk habiskan keje pun ye gak. Me keep pushing everybody yg provide the infor for my account including Mel. Sian dia. Hihi...apa guna kawan kan...

Me hv to be strong for myself so that i can finish my work n go back to Jerteh early. Lots of things me have to do before raya. Lagi pun along tak balik this year. So aku la yg take over kot. Nk harapkan yg lain, susah. So tak pe la aku sacrifice asal mama bahagia. Lgpun mama kan sakit, so this year along, poya n acik tak balik. So mama sure sedih. That is when my role have to take charge.

As usual i will always try to do the best for all my family. Put everybody ahead before me. Well thats my nature. As long as they happy, i m happy. Hopefully i can finish my report by next week. Praying very hard for it to be done! Thank you Allah!

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