Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday 20 July 2009

Posted by IBUNDA at 11:47 PM
Today me went to work a bit early. Coz plan to get my wiwi a good bath after long time since me cant remember when. Htr my girls ke rumah mamanye around 6.50am. Me drove to Petronas Station Bkt Antarabangsa to fill up petrol. Dh merah la cik kak. Takut nti tgh2 jln enjin mati lak. Sapa nk nolong pepagi. Everybody is rushing to work. Then me shoot to work. Owh ya my wiwi need a bath. Me too her to Petronas Station near Elevated Highway Ampang. After 20 min, done. Kira ok la. Pay RM10 then off to work. Today tak makan heavy la coz smlm dh makan byk. So me bought papaya je.

Around 9am perut mula meragam lak. Aduih nape ni...Ke toilet 3-4 kali dr kul 9am until 12pm. Perut lak keroncong lapar coz semua dh keluar. Nape ntah perut ni sakit. or maybe coz of papaya pepagi ke...ntah la. Call Mel. Seems bz lak dia hari ni. He called this morning but me were at the toilet. Malu la....

N today some news make me very sad. Encik Mohd from arwah's bos called abt company insurance money that me hv been waiting quite long time already. They all janji 4-6 wks je but now its more than 2 mths plus. Me really hope for it to pay a few debts that we have. At least release my burden a bit la so that me can move on n adjust my income a bit better. Now dgn gaji & pencen, bleh la makan. Blom sampai tahap tak bleh makan. Cuma tak bleh lebih2 belanja n cant help anybody else include my mom. Not for the time being. Sorry everybody. Sorry will help u soonest i get the money. Me know mama is renovating her house.

Encik Mohd said that the insurance money delayed due to ING havent received hospital bill from Damai Hospital. ke...Pelik plak. He suggest me called Damai. Immediately me called the hospital regards the issue n u all know what....the bill has been paid long time already. And today ING called abt any other outstanding bill. Bengong kan...Arwah is dead. Mana ada rawatan susulan. Giler.......Saje la nk delay. Time mintak company pay, desak2 suruh baya cepat. Tp utk dia refund balik memanjang alasan.

Me called En Mohd again abt it n complain to him wit tears in my eyes. Laju je. Berapa dpt pun me tak kisah. At least something for my girls. He promise to look immediately regards this issue. That day me talk to upper level bos Encik Noorizan n beg him to ask the company to absord the hospital bills n to refund me all the insurance money so that can help me n the kids. At least dpt baya rumah skit pun ok la. Lega skit me.

Balik umah perut still sakit. Me dont dare to take spicy food. Sampai umah kul 6pm me continue to pack the sample. Lupa lagi me nk angkat sample yg ada kat dlm bonet my wiwi. Kan last sun pegi amik. Jam dh kul 7.45pm. Me finish a few n take shower. Nk pick up my girls. Lambat2 kang kesian my bbsitter. Balik umah me were tired but need to pack all the sample until i manage to finish it by 9pm.

Alamak my wifi streamyx buat hal la plak. Called my dear Ah Soon abt it. He also cant do anything abt it. As usual la Ah Soon. Dok begger2 until me hv to call the technical line. Jgn la jadi lagi camni....Then automatik dgn sendirinya jadi ok. Maybe Telekom reset kat tempat dia kot. Me sambung la update here. This time no pic ok. Me pun tak tau nk letak pic apa. Sorry if it is nk tido dulu. Ibunda undur diri until next post k.

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